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The International Criminal Law blog

Salzburg 2012 Summer Law School

24 April 2012 by Administrator

The Salzburg Law School on International Criminal Law, Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law (SLS) welcomes applications for its Fourteenth Summer Session, Sunday 5 to Friday 17 August 2012, under the draft title:

Enforcing International Criminal LawThrough the Complementarity Regime of the Rome Statute! Demand and Reality”


This year’s topical focus sets the ground for a critical assessment of the concept of the Rome Statute’s complementarity regime, its interpretation in the early jurisprudence of the Court as well as on national efforts to implement and prosecute core international crimes, with a special emphasis on situation countries. SLS 2012 will take up the debate on pertinent substantive issues, such as on the definition of the crime of aggression, the special intent requirement of genocide, the outer boundaries of crimes against humanity and future amendments to the Rome Statute. The first decade of the Court will be thoroughly analysed with a view to the powers and functions of the pre-trial chamber, the first ICC trial judgement, the question of immunities and cooperation issues. Lectures on Islamic law, the African Court of Human and Peoples’ Rights as well as on other topics will offer further insights and familiarize the participants with latest developments in the fields of international criminal law, humanitarian law and human rights law. Last but not least, the ‘Salzburg Law School Trophy’ will provide an opportunity to engage in a practical pleading exercise.

The 2012 faculty consists of distinguished scholars and practitioners, among them, Dr.Mohamed Elewa Badar, Lecturer in Law, Brunel Law School; Gilbert Bitti, Senior Legal Advisor, International Criminal Court; Eleni Chaitidou, Legal Officer, Pre-trial Division, International Criminal Court; Roger Clark, Board of Governors Professor, Rutgers University School of Law; Dr. David Donat Cattin, Director, International Law and Human Rights Programme, Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA); Prof. Benjamin Ferencz, A former Nuremberg War Crimes Prosecutor and frequent lecturer on international criminal courts and world peace; Prof. Charles Garraway, Associate Fellow at Chatham House, Visiting Fellow in the Department of Human Rights, University of Essex; Gillian Higgins, Barrister UK, International Criminal Law Bureau; Steven Kay, Queens Counsel, Barrister UK, International Criminal Law Bureau; Prof. Christoph Safferling, Professor of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, International Criminal and International Law, University of Marburg; Jennifer Trahan, Assistant Clinical Professor of Global Affairs at N.Y.U.; Astrid Reisinger Coracini, Lecturer, Institute of International Law and International Relations, University of Graz; Prof. Otto Triffterer, Professor of Austrian and International Criminal Law, University of Salzburg;  Further details on the academic programme are available at

Applications should be submitted online at <> latest until 15 May 2012. For inquiries contact Astrid Reisinger Coracini at







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