The International Criminal Law blog

provided by the Chambers of Nine Bedford Row, London

The International Criminal Law blog


September 2011

Showing postings 1 - 10 of 13.

International Crisis Group - Policy Briefing or Legal interference?

30 September 2011 by Steven Kay

The International Crisis Group working out of Nairobi and Brussels has produced a report on the Kenya proceedings just before the ICC Pre-Trial Chamber II is due to return its decision on the confirmation of charges hearing. I can not let it pass without criticism but read it for yourselves.


Posted in International
Tagged Kenya


Toby Cadman presents a statement on behalf of the Syrian Emergency Task Force and Syrian Revolution

28 September 2011 by Administrator

Toby Cadman presents a statement on behalf of the Syrian Emergency Task Force and Syrian Revolution General Commission to the world's media in Washington, D.C.


Posted in International
Tagged Syria


Bangladesh War Crimes Tribunal first day of charging process

28 September 2011 by Steven Kay

The first day of the process known as framing of the charges at the Bangladesh War Crimes tribunal has ended in the Sayedee case.


Posted in International
Tagged Bangladesh


John Traversi visit to Mexico to investigate human rights abuses

27 September 2011 by Administrator

John Traversi returns from a visit to Mexico where he formed part of a Bar Human Rights Committee delegation, investigating reported abuses of human rights in that country.


Posted in International
Tagged Mexico


Sergei Magnitsky’s mother demands justice against Russian authorities

27 September 2011 by Steven Kay

Sergei Magnitsky's mother demands justice for the death of her son.
Bill Browder, CEO of Hermitage, will be speaking later this year at the 9 BRi conference and will tell the audience the chilling details of the death of this courageous lawyer at the hands of the Russian authorities


Posted in International
Tagged Russia


Steven Kay QC ICC opening statement in the confirmation hearing of Uhuru Kenyatta

25 September 2011 by Steven Kay

Video of opening statement in ICC confirmation hearing.


Posted in International
Tagged Kenya


Steven Kay QC and Gillian Higgins file challenge to the jurisdiction in ICC Kenya case

20 September 2011 by Steven Kay

The legal argument contesting jurisdiction at the ICC in the Kenya case has been filed by Steven Kay QC and Gillian Higgins of the ICLB and 9 Bedford Row International as counsel acting for Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta.


Posted in International
Tagged Kenya


Steven Kay QC at Sri Lankan Lawyers Association Conference

20 September 2011 by Steven Kay

Steven Kay QC will be presenting a speech upon the principles of complementarity at the ICC for the Sri Lankan Lawyers Association Conference on “Challenges to Reconciliation”


Posted in International
Tagged Sri Lanka


Steven Kay QC to address The European Parliament Human Rights Committee for the Voice of Beslan

14 September 2011 by Steven Kay

Steven Kay QC the lawyer representing Voice of Beslan in front of the European Court of Human Rights, where they have filed a lawsuit concerning the government's investigation of the attack, will update members on the court case.


Posted in International
Tagged Beslan, Russia


Momcilo Perisic Convicted for Crimes in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia

14 September 2011 by Administrator

The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) has convicted Momcilo Perišic, former Chief of General Staff of the Yugoslav Army from August 1993 to November 1998, for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia and sentenced him to 27 years’ imprisonment.


Posted in International
Tagged Bosnia


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