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The International Criminal Law blog

Academy of European Law Annual Conference on EU Criminal Justice 2012

15 June 2012 by Administrator


The Academy of European Law will host its annual conference from 11-12 October in Trier.


The objective of the conference will be to facilitate the exchange of experiences and ideas among legal practitioners on current developments and future initiatives in the field of EU criminal justice.


Topics will include:

- Update on current developments

- The way ahead for the rights of the defence

- Strengthening victims' rights

- The increasing impact of new technologies and social networks in EU criminal justice



Vincent Asselineau, Partner, Farthouat, Asselineau & Associés, Paris

Laviero Buono, Head of Section for European Criminal Law, ERA, Trier

SÅ‚awomir Buczma, Judge, Judicial Assistance and European Law Department, Ministry of Justice, Warsaw

Antoine Cahen, Head of Unit, Secretariat of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), European Parliament, Brussels

Vincent Cambier, Head of Criminal Records, Directorate General for Judicial Organisation, Ministry of Justice, Brussels

Marco Gercke, Professor of Criminal Law, University of Cologne, Director, Cybercrime Research Institute, Cologne

Alexandra Jour-Schröder, Head of Unit, Criminal Law, DG Justice, European Commission, Brussels

Urszula Aurelia Karkowska, Legal Officer, DG Justice, European Commission, Brussels

Steven Kay, QC, Defence Lawyer, Founder Member of The International Criminal Law Bureau, London

Justin Louman, Prosecutor, Cybercrime and Lawful Interception Unit, Prosecutor‚s Office, Amsterdam

David McKenna, President Victim Support Europe (VSE), Chief Executive, Victim Support Scotland, Edinburgh

Hans Nilsson, Head of Unit, Fundamental Rights and Criminal Justice, General Secretariat, Council of the European Union, Brussels

Professor Joachim Vogel, Chair of the European Economic Criminal Law Department, Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU), Munich



For further information and to register, please see here.







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